1. Consisting of crude low resolution polygons used in 3D graphics.
2. A type of technology used in Strong Bad's Extra Real Dating Sim XR
2. A type of technology used in Strong Bad's Extra Real Dating Sim XR
The Homestar and Marizpan Extra Real Hating Sim XR uses the most state of the art polygonious technologies
1. Consisting of crude low resolution polygons used in 3D graphics.
2. A type of technology used in Strong Bad's Extra Real Dating Sim XR
2. A type of technology used in Strong Bad's Extra Real Dating Sim XR
The Homestar and Marizpan Extra Real Dating Sim XR uses the most state of the art polygonious technologies
cerebral polygonis
a square, or block, shaped head.
Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, and John Cena have a severe case of cerebral polygonis.