

俚语 poonapping


v. This is for when you're in the middle of a long shift, you can't stay awake, and you're in between breaks. You go to the restroom to take a dump, and while you're there you fall asleep on the toilet for a 20 minute power nap. You then walk out of the restroom refreshed and relieved, and nobody can write you up for sleeping on the job.
Zac: I can't keep my eyes open.

Drew: Could you drop a deuce?

Zac: Yeah, I could poop...

Drew: You should take a poonap.



To rest your eyes for a short time period whilst mid-poo resulting in your friends wondering why you to took so long in the toilet.
Jane: What on earth have you been up to John? You were in the toilet for ages!
John: Sorry, I just had a little poonap.




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