

俚语 poopie shit

Poopie Shit

you are stupid, a fuck up
car accident
*Driver - OMG my dads gonna kill me
*Passenger - yea ur a poopie shit

poopy shit fart

when someone calls you a "diarrhea emoji" on Twitch you reply by calling them a poopy shit fart.
Person 1 in chat: "hey diarrhea emoji."
Twitch streamer: "what up you poopy shit fart"

poopy shit fart

when someone calls you a "diarrhea emoji" on Twitch you reply by calling them a poopy shit fart.
Person 1 in chat: "hey diarrhea emoji."
Twitch streamer: "what up you poopy shit fart"

poopy shit fart

when someone calls you a "diarrhea emoji" on Twitch you reply by calling them a poopy shit fart.
Person 1 in chat: "hey diarrhea emoji."
Twitch streamer: "what up you poopy shit fart"

poopy dumb shit

dude how bored can you be? go do something please. go outside and touch the grass maybe go sit on it too run around enjoy the world
or you can use this is a insult
Person 1: You're ugly
Person 2: Oh yeah? Poopy dumb shit!
Person 1: ): well jeez...

big poopie dick shit daddy

This is what you call an intelligent, hoe stealing, yo auntie gettin smashed man. Big Poopie for short, he demands everyone and their mother to bend over on their hands and knees and deliver their love and gratitude to his mighty rod. Whether it be a handjob, blowjob, CEO, or any other type of job, Big Poopie Dick Shit Daddy takes it in like a real motherfucker.
"Damn, did you see that beautiful goddess running down the field like an absolute Ronaldo?" "No sir I did not, but I did see a Big Poopie Dick Shit Daddy dancing around these fools like a fucking animal."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:33:14