

俚语 poopiness


anything of or relating to being poopy

basically anything that just sucks ass

also can be used as a word to express great joy in times of hardship, kind of like right on! or fa sho! ya know...poopiness!

also spelled poopyness depending on the kind of use, poopyness is actual poop that comes out of ones booty

while poopiness isnt, because let's face it poop is gross
aw holyshitbitchmuddafudda dude, i broke a nail, thats straight up poopiness!!!

man last night i was constipated, it was poopyness


A cutsie way of saying a Phat Shit
person 1: Where you been all night bro?
person 2: I been taking a phat ass poopie sorry.


poopying the process of eliminating solid waste from the body
i got a hold of some rancid food this morning and spent all day poopying my pants


a fantastic word for interupting a very intelligent and serious conversation with one another which is most affective when used completely and utterly at random moments or when u have to take a major poopy..yes yes some people may say you are childish but there just jealous..
susie:Man i cant believe my sister almost died.
Dan:I am so relieved shes okay.
Random stranger:poopy


yummy breakfast
i ate some poopy today


A derogatory term used to describe someone that's done something stupid. Derived from the word "poop".

Origin: Greek (poopda)
She changed the channel during the football game. She's such a poopis.

Just watched Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader, the contestant was such a poopis.

Person 1: Hey remeber that Spongebob episode with that song?

Person 2: I don't watch Spongebob anymore you Poopis


kids term for shit
mommy i poopies on the dog.




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