

俚语 poop it out

poop it out

A phrase implying you've been on the receiving end of unprotected anal sex and should expel the ejaculate from your anus (you might get infected).

Also used figuratively to inform someone that they've been dominated somehow and should get over it before it gets worse.
You got pwned. Poop it out, poop it all out.

Stop being so butthurt. Poop it out and move on.

That anal sex was super. Hold on, I need to go poop it out.


A term used to describe the disheveled appearance of an individual, typically a female.
Sweat-pants, messy hair, saggy tits without a bra, stained clothing, tired eyes, 3 children on hip, all describe the "pooped-out" persona.
"I gotta go home and take a shower and change, I'm feeling real pooped out."
"I used to bang that pooped-out chick that works at the laundromat."
"I saw my ex last night. She had a couple illegitimate kids and is looking really pooped-out these days."

Poop in and out

The act in which two participants sit on all fours, butt-to-butt and the first, "penetrating" partner poops into the second, "receiving" partner's anus, the second partner then returns the poop to the first in the same fashion and this is repeated again and again and again...
Dude, you wanna go upstairs and poop in and out?

No way man, we'd have to put plastic down and everything, let's do it outside.

Okay, I know the perfect place...


Another term for defecation or shitting, but meant to sound more pleasant, almost in a fun and silly kind of way, so that, when you're telling someone that you need to defecate or shit, it doesn't sound like such a gross-out.
Guy: 'Hey, babe, what's up, no toilet paper again??? I've got to poop-out right NOW!!'
Girl: 'It's ok, honey, just use the paper towels roll, but please don't clog the bowl'
Guy: 'You know I will, babe, gettin' ready to poop-out a horse-dick turd and all'
Girl: 'Ok, but I'm not cleaning your shit-mess off the floor this time, for realz!'
Guy: 'The hell you aren't!!! Better clean it or no sex tonight!'

poop out of the peehole

doing something ass-backwards (literally, in it's original form)

This term sprang like a phoenix rising from the ashes from an incident that happened to a friend of mine. We'll call him Dude. Dude had the flu, and everything that comes with it, and was sprinting toward the bathroom for the millionth time with diarrhea when he realized he had his underwear on backwards. With no time to spare he proceeded to "do his business" through the fly opening or, to poop of out of the peehole.

As the phrase rolls off of the toungue so easily, it came to have many different applications.

*Parts of this story may have been dramatized for effect
"did I just poop out of the peehole?" (driver asking passenger in a car if they had driven the wrong way out of a parking lot.)

pooping out the woodwork

When crazy shit like Salad Fingers is all of the sudden all up in your grill.
Yo Smudge! Grab your nine - these bandicoots are pooping out the woodwork!

Pooping out the woodwork

When a string of unexpected and potentially annoying or crappy events occur, or when annoying or crappy people/animals/objects begin to appear in rapid succession without prior notice.
William Shatner's musical career has been pooping out the woodwork recently.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:01:14