

俚语 poopster


people who shit or "poop" themselves during school, parties or family outings. often large pale teenagers who are sexually insecure and rely on the warm feeling of shit on their bum cheeks to make them sexually arroused
student 1: "curt your such a poopster"
curt: "its not my fault i cant control my bowel movements"


Variation of the word "puppy". "Puppy" becomes "poopy", and therefore "poopy" becomes "poopster" by the nature of human beings to add a -ster at the end of everything.
The poopster is out there chasing her tail.


someone who leaves lots of poop in the toilet and doesnt flush so it gets all soggy
big sisters


a sly or wiley person
you poopster!


Someone who makes a game of hiding their turds in places hard to find, in closets, under beds, in cabinets or drawers etc. This is so the smell of shit fills the room but no one knows where it is coming from and eventually have to hunt down the shit and clean it up while the poopster watches all this and tries to hide his laughter.
"You hear the Poopster struck again? 5th time this semester. This time it was under the back seat of the principal's car. Poopster got some skills."


A gay, little emo kid who is on the feminine side and likes anal sex (receiving it)
Oh Man that josh is such a POOPSTER

Poopy poopster

someone who cant help but be very poopy and stinky. probably best to stay away from them.
"omg you're such a poopy poopster"




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