

俚语 poopyface


someone that is silly and does crappy things
john ate my burrito.. what a poopyface


A great insult to insult people
Dominator109 is a poopyface


Poopyface. While, after having sex, the woman tends to feel all wet and juicy inside and shits on sex partner's face.
"oh, i just had sex." *rumble in belly, positions herself on guys face.......squirt, plop*

"haha, you have a poopyface!"


A word that’s used to describe someone who’s being rude,mean,etc. This word is often used in such a way to humiliate the person being called a PoopyFace.
First grader 1: You look stupid!

First grader 2: Well... you look like a PoopyFace!

First grader 1: *cry’s sad tears*


Having or acting in such a way that makes one seem as if they have mental deficiencies.
Last night Travor was being such a poopyface


Someone who is a disgusting cretin. An absolute cunt of a creature. A fucking disgrace on humanity. This word is one of the highest (not in a good way) insults you can bestow upon a person. It is equivalent to calling someone a goddamn fascist neo-nazi. This insult is only to be used to describe someone who is an absolutely pathetic wank or piece of shit, the lowest of the low.
Dude you're such a fucking poopyface.


A name to call little kids in order to make them laugh and embarass themselves in the presence of company when they blab it out loud.
POOPYFACE!!!! he he he he he giggle giggle giggle




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:26:43