

俚语 poopy stick

poopy stick

a stick with a piece of dog shit on the end
i used a poopy stick to get her away from me

poopy mc fun stick

The stick with a nail on the end of,in which is used to grip poo...and fling poo at a buddie or a neighboring house. Also any inanimate object, animal, or vehicle.

{also used by chain gangs to pick up trash}
WOW!!!! Keegan just used his ultimate poopy mc fun stick to hurlte that poo over 55ft to hit the borough of smithon building! SCORE!

Poopy Sticks

Used instead of a swear word.
Can be used instead of the F word, the B word and the SH word.
1. That person is a poopy.
2. Aw, poopy Sticks!




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