

俚语 pop a socket

pop a socket

The result of over-enthusiastic weight training or body-building. When you just had to do that extra rep at 250 pounds but should have known better, and pop your shoulder out of its socket as a result.
Jason: "No. I'm OK! I can do one more rep!"
Pete: "Jason, that's 36 stone you're pressing!
Jason: "I'm OK! I can do it. Hnnnnnggghhhhahhhhrrrgggg!"
Pete: "What ? What's the matter???!!!!??"
Jason: "Sheeee-it! My shoulders!"
Pete: "That's the way to pop a socket!"

pop a socket

A method of lighting fire using tissue, a paperclip or staple, a plastic comb, and an electrical outlet. Commonly used in prisons where smoking cigarettes is prohibited.
Thirty days in the hole. You pop a socket again and you're gonna catch an arson charge.

pop a socket

A method of lighting fire using tissue, a paperclip or staple, a plastic comb, and an electrical outlet. Commonly used in prisons where smoking cigarettes is prohibited.
Thirty days in the hole. You pop a socket again and you're gonna catch an arson charge.

popped a socket

So overly checking someone out that your eyeball separates from its socket.
My girlfriend Amy and I were at the beach last Saturday and you should've seen this girl in this bikini. I literally popped a socket. Fortunately Amy didn't see me or I would've been seriously screwed.

Pop Socket

When you put your thumb inside your foreskin and rip it out so it makes a "pop" noise
"Hey man, did you hear how loud that pop socket was!?"


When having anal sex and the guy pulls out with a loud pop coming from the asshole
I accidentally scared my roommates last night with a pop-socket coming from my girlfriend

Pop socket

When you pop your pussy so much grape popsicle juice comes out and makes your partner all stick. YUCK!!! whenever you pop socket 3 grape popsicles die
Girl: I’m gonna pop socket. Guy: all over me yah




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