

俚语 popcorn ‘poppy flowers’ matucci

Popcorn ‘Poppy Flowers’ Matucci

An infamous mafiosi kingpin operating in the Monterey Peninsula of California, who is actually, unbeknownst to law enforcement, a domestic white female rabbit with smoky grey ears and who is one of the wealthiest and most intelligent crime bosses, who has also continued to evade capture due to her stealthy and highly imaginative ability to lie low while living la dolce vita.
Popcorn ‘Poppy Flowers’ Matucci is the second bun-wife of the also infamous widowed crime boss, Maxie Bonanno; they’re combined net worth dwarfs that of all other known criminal networks, human and lagomorph, in the world.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:36:38