

俚语 popped condom

popped condom

A kid that the parents did not want.
Billy your a popped condom.

Your parents should have had anal sex

pop a condom

1. To burst a condom. Usually caused by forgetting to hold the little teat at the end, when putting it on, to keep the air out. The subsequent, er, fast vigorous powerful rhythmic pumping action compresses the air, increasing pressure and rupturing the thin rubber.
2. To place a condom on some object, usually other than a penis.
3. To swallow a condom, usually after removing the wrapper.
1. I was banging this chick like a madman on crack when I popped the condom. Now I've got to pay child support for quadruplets.
2. Charles popped the condom on his head.
3. I'll just pop a condom ... Ulp, ughh, urrr, blechh ....

condom pop

1) one who is conceived as a result of a failing condom
2) the act of destroying the thin rubber sheath that stands between you and any feeling whatsoever
3) the fabled fourth hole right behind a woman's knee that can only be seen under the right lighting conditions.
1)My mom calls me her little condom pop
2)The pussy was great after i pulled off a condom pop




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:22:50