

俚语 porkhole


1. In commercial hot dog processing, the hole in the machine that extrudes hot dog filling at a steady, unflinching rate
2. A donut hole made of bacon
3. The mouth of anything that eats pork
Hey Mark! Quit gawking at that porkhole (#1) and put some of these porkholes (#2) in your porkhole (#3). They're delicious.


Your asshole, butthole, meathole.
Bend over, I want to fuck you in the porkhole.


Any hole on a male/female that can be penetrated by any limb what so ever from a human
"Fuck my Porkhole"

"Lick my Porkhole"


A particularly ignorant person who is generally disagreeable and unknowingly foolish. Related to but hole but considered less crass in social settings.
Bob, you’re porkhole dude! Can’t believe you dissed that security guard for no reason.


Any hole on a body, of a male/female that can be penetrated by any limb what so ever from a human body.
"Fuck My Porkhole"!

"Lick My Porkhole"!

Porkhole Mustard

That brown, tangy amalgam of shit, semen and lube that forms around the anus during some vigorous, ass clapping, anal sex.
That whore wiped her porkhole mustard on my new bath towel.

She was late for work as it was so she had to trot to her Uber sliding cheeks in a little porkhole mustard.




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