

俚语 portage


Noun : A fancy word that means, "Guess what? You're going to have to fucking carry your boat!"
After we paddle across this lake there's a portage to the river.


A term identifying a side-dish similar to poutine, except that the french fries are replaced by mashed potatoes. Ie. Potatoes with melted cheese and gravy.
"They are late bringing the portage across to our campsite"
"I can't wait, I made sure to leave room after those hot dogs"

"Sorry but we're just having regular mashed potatoes today because we are out of cheese"


A smallllll ass town in Indiana by Lake Michigan and Chicago filled with houses, houses, and more houses.. besides like a billion crappy fast food places and farm.

having the mooost smelly ass bowling alley and the small movie theater With crappy schools like Willowcreek, Fegley, Portage High and, Nativity.. its pretty boring.

I'd say the coolest part abut Portage is OD. the little town by the beach.
dude: Dood, I'm going to Portage for the weekend

shelia: What do you do there, like milk cows???

dude: nah, i just go to the smelly ass bowling alley, and watch movies at the tiny ass movie theater... oh yeah, and stuff my face with fast food.


A meek, almost slightly pathetic excuse of a city. There is literally almost nothing to do in this town yet people still find it fit to move them and their children here.
Man, Portage is so boring. Lets hit up the Peg.


The system that Gentoo Linux uses to find and compile packages for your system from a number of servers. This makes the applications on the computer optimized because they are compiled from scratch.
Portage is an awesome way to get opensource programs!


Portage is an alright place besides all the preppy sluts in portage Northen and preppy heroin addicts in portage central. But hey i live here and i dont complain because i go to PCEC(we arent f***ing deadbeats)so dont fucking say that shit.And it has a pretty okay mall. There is also some hot guys in Portage.Other than that it's full or nice houses and trailerparks.
Portage is F***ing great for preppy heroin addicts

portage wisconsin

An STD in itself. Trash line the streets and it smells like burnt piss. Everyone there is fat, retarded, and ghetto. Cops are pricks. Probably the root cause of Ebola.
Portage Wisconsin is an STD infested wasteland that makes Salton City look good.




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