

俚语 poser's poser

poser poser

A person who poses to be a poser just to get attention. Usually has no social group and little to no friends.
Whats his face is such a poser poser! Just stick to a damn group.

Poser's poser

The group of young black guys and girls kept acting like they were from Southie, then calling white kids who acted like they were from Compton posers.
He/she was the poser's poser, the kind of poser who wouldn't tolerate disrespect of posers.

Poser's poser

Someone posing as a poser. A poser of all posers.
Other person- I know you're faking that realness again get up. You're a poser's poser.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:37:20