

俚语 postcard punk

postcard punk

An individual who dons the punk rock "uniform" (black leather jacket, boots, spikes, mohawk, etc.) to create an identity for themself and who assumes they are superior to others because of their punkasfuck look.
1. Jamie is such a postcard punk.
2. Dresses like a postcard every day but all of the spikes and patches in the world can't make up for the clockwork orange make-up.

postcard punk

A poseur in british terms.
Some gay guy on a post card.
"Dude, im so punk rock because i have a studded leather jacket, and my mohawk just got dyed green."
" No, that makes you a postcard punk, punk isnt about leather jackets or a fucking hair style, its being yourself."

Postcard Punk

Back in the 80's tourists started to take a lot of pictures with punks. This became a well known phenomenon and tourists would seek out punks from certain locations.

It became a source of income for some punks. Even today you can still find Postcard Punks at Piccadilly, though for many it's more cosplay for money than actual punk lifestyle.
Leo always had beer money, he spent his summers in London as a postcard punk.




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