

俚语 potato sacked

Potato Sacked

When you get teabaged by a person with gigantic testicles.
Holy shit! car accident?
No..got potato sacked...

Potato sacking

To fill ones belongings with potatoes, but most commonly a golf bag throughout an 18 hole round of golf. Usually includes collusion between the other three members of the foursome against the victim.
Do you fellas want to go potato sacking on Saturday when we hit the links with Zach?

Potato Sacks

A term for:
- Extremely Large Titties, beyond anything good
- Extremely Saggy Titties
- A combination of the above

These are often seen in the old ages and ghetto populations
Jack: Dayuuum man! You see the potato sacks on dis girl??

Liam: Yeah bro..........just fucking nasty........they're so saggy its just bad......

potato sack

Potato sacking is much like tea bagging except that it involves a much larger set of testicles.
Chuck Norris doesn't tea bag ladies, he potato sacks them!!

potato sack

Similar to "tea bag", but of the Chuck Norris variety and intensity.
Chuck Norris didn't merely tea bag that terrorist, he potato sacked him!

potato sack

Like teabagging, the man is dipping his testicles into the mouth of either an unsuspecting (usually sleeping) victim or into the mouth of a partner for sexual gratification. The distintion between teabagging and potato sacking is that only a man with extremely large testicles can pull it off.
"Chuck Norris does not teabag the ladies. He potato sacks them."

potato sacking

Chuck Norris version of tea bagging
Chuck Norris isn't tea bagging, he's potato sacking




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