

俚语 potsticker


a potsticker is when your balls fuse with your thighs via sweat. DAMN those sweaty balls!
theres no greater feeling in the world then peeling off a potsticker from your thigh.


A man who adores Asian women
Dude did you see that potsticker Austin with that hot Asian chick??


a shit induced toilet bowl skidmark
who the hell keeps leaving these damn potstickers in the mens room, they need a better diet


After defecating, the particles left behind which are stuck to the side of the toilet bowl.
I had some really stubborn potstickers that I couldn't remove with a steady stream of pee.

Wisconsin potsticker

When you shit on a fat girl, and then proceed to fornicate with her rolls.
Damn I was so drunk last night I gave Sally a Wisconsin Potsticker.

Rotten Potsticker

An Asian female that gets way to clingy after fucking her.
Hey bro, you gotta help me shake this rotten potsticker, she's practically stalking me.

german potsticker

When someone is fingering a female, they pick their nose, then stick the fingers in her vagina with boogers on them.
Did you hear about Amy? Joe gave her a German Potsticker last night.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:58:25