

俚语 potsu's


Potsu. Someone who makes great beats/music someone who will always keep other happy and not just themselves. Potsu will keep you happy at night and maybe even in the morning. Potsu is the name of a GREAT artist. If you have never heard Potsu's beats, oh man... you are missing out on some good shit.
person 1: "hey have you heard Postu's music?"
person 2: "yeah, its quite calming, kind of like low-fi sounds, right?
person 1: "yeah! and I think low-fi sounds are so cute as well as calming."
person 2: "if only people appreciated Postu the way we do."

Potsu is a great artist name, and I would say it defines calm, lowfi, soothing.


Chill and Lo-fi god
OMFG you're such a potsu




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:53:22