1. the hi-jinx, hilarity and spontaneous eruption of music ensuing when marching bands from multiple high schools mingle pre and post halftime.
2. the condition brought on by complete focus on a single new musical group illustrated by non-stop listening, quoting song lyrics and wearing T shirts from a single artist.
2. the condition brought on by complete focus on a single new musical group illustrated by non-stop listening, quoting song lyrics and wearing T shirts from a single artist.
1. Did you catch last Friday's game? It was pure bandemonium when the two schools' bands came off the field after halftime. They were having so much fun socializing that I could hardly take my eyes off them to watch the game!
2. I sure hope Jimmy's bandemonium will be over soon. If I see yet another lame T shirt or hear him quote from the wisdom of Lady Gaga one more time...
2. I sure hope Jimmy's bandemonium will be over soon. If I see yet another lame T shirt or hear him quote from the wisdom of Lady Gaga one more time...