

俚语 power fap

power fap

A successful masturbatory session lasting less than 10 minutes, typically performed between other daily activities and before dates or other outings to brighten one's mood, release sexual tension, quell boredom, kill time, calm the nerves, get a healthy glow going, or for any number of other reasons.
James used his fifteen to grab a power fap and buy a soda before returning to work.

After getting ready to go out, Shannon squeezed in a power fap while waiting for her date to pick her up.

Jane was early for work, so she got a quick power fap in in the car outside before going in.

Power Fapping

When you Masturbate so fast that your crotch catches on fire.
Dude i was just power fapping after i drank some Redbull.

Power fap

When you wank, fap or materbate purely and simply because it's the only way you'll fall asleep
Bob: "hey man you ready for your exam?"

Larry:" sure thing man had a Power fap last night before bed so I got pleanty of shut eye!"


Masturbating right after lifting weights
Yeah i had a right Power-fap last night

Power fapping

Power fapping

Power fapping is defined :You have to jerk off in under 35 seconds. It brightens your spirit. You can power fap in every situation.

#Fapping #powerfap #pf #pffamily #pf2017 #power #newwayoflife #SebastianKohl




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