PPAF - Primary Producers Are Fucked
PPAF - Primary Producers Are Fucked
Poor Farmers (Primary Producers)
If it is not the weather…. It is:
NZ Government Regulation
Foreign Duties
Exchange Rates
Nasty Rip-Off Australian Banks (the Big 4 make astounding profits in NZ)
Expensive Labour Costs
Local Council Insanity
Environmental Imperialism
Insanely Expensive Legal + Accounting Fees
Home | MPI - Ministry for Primary Industries. A New Zealand Government Department
Inland Revenue - Te Tari Taake
Australian-owned two super market chains that dominate the NZ retail industry…
and collude to drive down the prices of primary products (meat and vegetables) paid to producers while charging some of the highest retail prices in the developed world.
Department of Conservation
The list could go on…..
PPAF - Primary Producers Are Fucked
Poor Farmers (Primary Producers)
If it is not the weather…. It is:
NZ Government Regulation
Foreign Duties
Exchange Rates
Nasty Rip-Off Australian Banks (the Big 4 make astounding profits in NZ)
Expensive Labour Costs
Local Council Insanity
Environmental Imperialism
Insanely Expensive Legal + Accounting Fees
Home | MPI - Ministry for Primary Industries. A New Zealand Government Department
Inland Revenue - Te Tari Taake
Australian-owned two super market chains that dominate the NZ retail industry…
and collude to drive down the prices of primary products (meat and vegetables) paid to producers while charging some of the highest retail prices in the developed world.
Department of Conservation
The list could go on…..
PPAF - Primary Producers Are Fucked
Poor farmers.... again whacked by severe drought.
South Island farmers forced to sell stock, let crops die in drought | Newshub
PPAF - Primary Producers Are Fucked
South Island farmers forced to sell stock, let crops die in drought | Newshub
PPAF - Primary Producers Are Fucked
The union of People and Places with Accounting and Finance.
PPAF throws some dope parties. PPAF is dope AF.