

俚语 pqzlaowmxksiencjdurbvhfytg


To achieve this pattern, start by typing the top letter of the rightmost down-left (or up-right) pointing column, we'll call this column A. Then type the top letter of the leftmost down-right pointing column (column B). Then the bottom letter in column A, then the bottom letter in B, and then move one column inwards on both sides, repeating the pattern. When t, y, and g are reached, whose columns overlap, repeat the pattern but skip any letter that's already been typed.

This sort of thing happens when one has reached a very late stage of boredom. Go play a game. sites.google.com/view/theadvancedmethod/home is a good unblocked game site that actually works.
Person 1: I'm so bored. I've typed qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv, mznxbcvlaksjdhfgpqowieuryt, plokmijnuhbygvtfcrdxeszwaq, qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujmkiolp, plmkoijnbhuygvcftrdxzsewaq, and so many other things.
Person 2: Have you tried pqzlaowmxksiencjdurbvhfytg?
Person 1: Yes.
Person 2: Crap.




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