a mix of practical and academic study or activity
I teach a pracademic course for students interested in being entrepreneurs
Practical academic study, research and development, usually aimed at 'Social Advancement'.
It was the Pracademic communities who eventually solved the problem, along with the Ethicians & Ethicapitalist Socialists.
"If all Life is sacrosanct aka sacred or holy, with equal rights to and equally worthy of development, then Love requires an 'Order' by which the development of each and every one is possible."
- Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' (London 1944).
"If all Life is sacrosanct aka sacred or holy, with equal rights to and equally worthy of development, then Love requires an 'Order' by which the development of each and every one is possible."
- Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' (London 1944).
employment mix (in the gig economy) of practice and teaching.
As a pracademic designer he/she taught design as a sideline to his/her design practice.