

俚语 prairy doggin

Prairy Doggin

The act of trying to hold your shit in from your asshole, where the shit occassionaly comes out then right back in, like a prairy dog.
Bob- "Mom pull over.. I've gotta go to the bathroom!"
Mom- "Just hold it."
Bob- "I've been try, I'm prairy doggin!"

prairie doggin it

when you have to deficate so badly that the turd is popping in and out like a prairie dog poking its head in and out of its hole to look around
"hurry up in the bathroom dude, im prairie doggin it!"

Prairie Doggin

v. The uncomfortable sensation resulting from a turd repeatedly pressing against the rectal sphincter and having to be squeezed back in; analogous to a prairie dog popping its head in & out of its burrow.
Damn, I gotta find me a shitter fast cuz I'm prairie doggin one monster of a log!

prairie doggin'

when you gotta go #2 so bad-the prairie dogs' head is peekin out of his hole

prairie doggin'

When you have to poop so bad that it sticks out of your anus and says hello, like a prairie dog.
Man, I ate so much that I was prairie doggin'.

prairie doggin

When a person has to take a dump REAL bad, it wants to come out, but you force it back in with your butt muscles. Like a prairie dog poking his head out of his hole and popping back in over and over.
kid....DAD!!! You gotta stop at a gas station! I'm prairie doggin back here
Dad...be quiet and sit on your moms purse or something!.

prairie doggin

When u have a humongo turd ready to come out but are no where near a toilet. It pops out and goes back in, like a prairie dog coming out of its hole abd going back in.

AKA:Turtle Head Poking Out
" man i got to take a major shit" other guys says " oh prairie doggin are we" and then u both laugh




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:35:26