A lady of the night who knows how to treat you right. They are unlike normal prostitutes however, as they don't require the cash that normal hookers do. These ladies are more casual are in it simply for the love.
Guy 1- Dude, I'm depressed.
Guy 2- Don't worry dude, we'll get you some prazi's. They'll treat you right.
Guy 1- We need some prazi's.
Guy 2- Don't worry dude, we'll get you some prazi's. They'll treat you right.
Guy 1- We need some prazi's.
Adjective describing someone who is proud of their crazy behavior.
That poor fool would have gotten away with masturbating in his bosses coffee if he hadn't bragged about it to a dozen coworkers. He's prazy.
The act of being simultaneously productive and lazy.
Meg's ability to pay bills, send important emails, and make overall vital life decisions while watching TV and laying in bed all day is an unprecedented level of prazy.