

俚语 bangability


The scale of where a girl rates in terms of how bad you want to have sex with her. Usually defined between 1-10.
Dude, check out that girl on the treadmill. Would you hit it?

Well of course I would but I give her a bangability factor of 7.


The property, for a woman, of offering a man a pleasurable sexual encouter.
Steve: Hey, Charles, what do you think about Katy Perry?
Charles: Hum... She does possess a certain bangability!


a word that you say when someone is sex worthy.
the state of being fuckable
Person 1: ohhh dammn... do you see that dude... he's MEGA SEXY
Persom 2: oh yeh he's so bangable


When a woman's attractiveness is sufficient enough to allow her to banged by you.
Do you see that girl at the bar?
What, the bald eye-patch wearing slob?
Yea, she's bangable.


Anybody that looks good enough to have sex with.
Megan Fox is bangable


a man who is incredibly attractive and therefore worth banging; worthy of your sexual attention and pleasure, whether it be a male or female.
me: emo boys are very much bangable.
meaghan: i agree. their cute little man purses and artificial sadness really turn me on.


A way to describe someone who has some quality that makes them sexually irresistible, and who doesn't have some quality that would make having sex with them questionable. It's someone who you wouldn't mind having sex with right then, right there, because of some reason. You don't have to be smokin' hot to be bangable. It can be looks, or intangible qualities like personality or charisma.
He'd be bangable if he wasn't in a frat.

She'd be bangable if she didn't have herpagonosyphilaids.

I don't know why, but he's just bangable!




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