

俚语 president


Before getting this job, no one will give a shit about who you are. When you get this job, everyone in the country (whether conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican, etc.) will hate you at one point or another. After you leave this job, people will either praise you to high heaven or bitch about how badly the country is doing because you were the President.
George Bush. Bill Clinton. Those two are all the examples you need of why being the President is a mistake.


political figurehead that all of America blames their problems on, acting as if the president had any real power and was diliberately making horrible decisions.
man, our economy is in the toilet and unemployment is sky-high, it's all that damn president's fault.


The patriarch of dumbasses skilled in the art of bullshitting
Bush took his position of president to a new level


Individual at the top of food chain in a government structure. Attracts interns. Notifies Presidential Staff of attractive females in vicinity.


A person with a high political standing, but not necessarily power. In most democracies, presidents are elected to the position.

A notable example where the president is not elected is the United States of America (as of 2003).
And... I thought the president should be elected in this democracy of ours... but, well. It almost seems like the Soviet Union all over again.


Someone who holds the top position of a group
Scott Hambrick is the President of the canyon


A person who enforces the law of adultery, yet does it himself.
If I'm going to pay 150 dollars, I better get what the president got!




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