

俚语 pringled


When someone has accidentally or purposely tried to penetrate your butt with a Pringles container or another initially innocent object, causing an awkward situation for all parties involved (although the Pringles liked it). Similarly there is "Pringle" (verb) - the act of Pringling someone.
Person 1: Did you hear? Lanny got Pringled by Lily in the supermarket.
Person 2: Yeah, I asked her to locate on the doll where the Pringles touched her.
Person 1: Lily claims it was an accident and she wasn't looking where she was going.
Person 2: Pfft, lies! She loves Pringling people. She threatened to Pringle me with her ruler the other day.


A mini poodle and a buxom blonde play hide the sausage
I'm surprised she can walk today, she got Pringled hard last night


Pissed, peeved, generally upset.
> Dude, I'm pringled right now.
> What happened?
>I just stubbed my gosh dang toe and it hurts.


A derivation of the word Prawned, which in itself is derived from Pwned, Owned etc, that was simply formed by changing the named edible body in the former with another edible body that began with 'Pr' and adding an 'ed' suffix

An extension of Pringled can be created to form Pringlage/Pringleage/Prin gelage depending on self-Grammatical preference. This is also in relation to Ownage/Pwnage and the similar likes.

Suggestive forms of 'Pringled' in relation to 'Pwned' statements cannot be included in the use of Nouns. Meaning the term "To Pringle" (To Pwn/Prawn) is wrong and not considered a form of 'Pringled'
"You just got Pringled" (as in "You just got Pwned/Owned")

Further examples can be found by simply switching the word Pwned (or simliar) from current phrases, sentences and statements with 'Pringled'


when two or more objects are stacked together vertically with curve.
"Wow, the three wise men from that capitol at Autun sure are pringled!"

Wife: Why do you always spoon with your buddies when you go camping?
Husband: It's not spooning, it's pringling! WE'RE CURVED! AND IT'S FOR WARMTH, OK?


An odd elliptical-shaped slightly salty potato-based racing driver responsible for the ruining of a race by a crash or punt or unsafe track rejoin onto the racing line in front of traffic.
Tim you bloody pringle, check your mirrors and hold your brake until its safe to join next time mate.
Daniel you pringle give other cars space when going 2 wide in the chase.


More addictive than heroin.
In rehab they gave us heroin so we could wean ourselves off the Pringles.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:38:02