

俚语 procrastinate


What you are doing right now. Get the fuck going and finish your homework.
You. You procrastinate. You are the example.


What most people do in their life from one time to another
You're probably doing it write now, I know I am

When you don't want to do work and you keep staring at it. You do something else and hope the homework fairy will come and do it for you...
I should be writing my essay, but I'm busing reading disturbing definitions. I really shouldn't procrastinate.


How 75% of Urban Dictionary's are created.
I should be doing my History Review right now but I decided to procrastinate.


to be lazy and not do things until the last minute
one time i procrastinated and didnt do my hw until 10:00 the night before it was due. and one time i finally started a project the day after it was due. yes i am a procrastinator


I'll tell you later but not right now because I am too lazy
I always procrastinate thats why i failed school and college


The art of putting things off till you absolutely need to do them. Often by the motivation of a due date or someone constantly bitching to you past the point of human tolerance.
When I procrastinate my homework I feel good knowing the night before was spent getting trashed.


what you are doing right now.
get back to work
in response to accusations of grade inflation in the US colleges, alluc.org was developed to devastating effect. And by now my show is done downloading and I must get back to 'procrastinate' ing.




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