

俚语 bangxiety


The nervousness you get before having sex with a new partner.
Tonight was Bernadette''s third date with Bobby and as she got ready she had a bad case of bangxiety.


When you have this deep sexual tension but we both know that it's lame to call it that.
Instead of saying "Sexual Tension"... they should call it "Bangxiety" 🙃😁..
I'll see my self out 🤣


The fear held by many male students that they left a porn window open on their laptop, and when they open it in class it may be: A) seen by others (bad); B) start playing (worse); or C) start playing very loudly (worst). The fear usually does not manifest until the subject has actually left a window open to be discovered at least once.
"I had such bangxiety in Econ today. I checked that I had closed out of Youporn twice last night, but ever since I had to connect my laptop to the class projector for my Powerpoint, and I inadvertently shared my love of Gianna Michaels with all of my Psych class, I get really banxious."


when you have anxiety with your bangs.
im gonna wear a hat i am having bangxiety.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:20:08