Trying to solve a riddle, puzzle, mystery, or other miscellaneous challenge set for entertainment (see
I need some sleep, I've been pronning all night.
Its actually pr0n, and its spelled this way so that it doesn't show up when someone searches the word "porn".
It was introduced as a masking tool to prevent people from logging your involvement in less than reputable activities. Much like the original intent behind 1337 speak itself.
Similar words for divisions of pr0n that are still in use include:
R@ygold - (pedophylia)
qwerty - (bestiality)
showme - (voyuer)
rorikon/lolikon - (anime child)
momashi - (incest)
BBW - (Big Breasted Women)
It was introduced as a masking tool to prevent people from logging your involvement in less than reputable activities. Much like the original intent behind 1337 speak itself.
Similar words for divisions of pr0n that are still in use include:
R@ygold - (pedophylia)
qwerty - (bestiality)
showme - (voyuer)
rorikon/lolikon - (anime child)
momashi - (incest)
BBW - (Big Breasted Women)
Including pr0n in Word_Perfect_help_file_00trpr0n14.pdf makes it hard to realize that the file is actually Tiffany_Shocker.avi renamed; except to the person who masked it of course.
What you type in instead of porn as an excuse when your on the internet and you wanna see tits but dont wanna get in trouble
Yo, just type pron so you dont get in trouble
1337 (leet) for pornography. usually the o is replaced by the digit 0, ie: pr0n.
hey, that's some kickass pr0n.
The second most searched for word on the internet
Dude, you just spelt porn wrong!
It's OK, the computer knows what pron is!
It's OK, the computer knows what pron is!
You know when you want to masturbate when you look up porn, you type it in fast and you misspell porn, insted getting pron.
Jack: What are you doing?
Bob: Looking up porn.
Jack: No, your looking up pron.
Bob: Looking up porn.
Jack: No, your looking up pron.
l337 for porn.
Pron is cheaper than dating!