When a prostitute fiddles with your prostate until you toot, and then you shun her for the rest of the STD bang sesh.
Big Queefy: Yo Boner, I’m tryna hit hooters tonight, you in?
Boney Stoney: First, it’s Boney, not Boner. And second, I’m out. I’m shunning prostitutes rn, I call it prostate-toot-shun. So I’m not down with looking at any Hooter whores tonight. You’ll get multiple STDs just looking at them.
Big Queefy: True, I got Gonorrhea and Crabs just from staring at this Hooter hoe last time. Turns out the crabs were not the food like I thought..
Boney Stoney: Damn that’s hot. Nvm, I’m so in.
Boney Stoney: First, it’s Boney, not Boner. And second, I’m out. I’m shunning prostitutes rn, I call it prostate-toot-shun. So I’m not down with looking at any Hooter whores tonight. You’ll get multiple STDs just looking at them.
Big Queefy: True, I got Gonorrhea and Crabs just from staring at this Hooter hoe last time. Turns out the crabs were not the food like I thought..
Boney Stoney: Damn that’s hot. Nvm, I’m so in.