

俚语 prouching


the act of crouching and punching simultaneously
That fucker is going around prouching people in the balls. He'll come up to you, crouch and punch you in the balls.


A combination of the words prick and douche. Implying a person who by character is a douche but acts on those traits making them a prick.
Dan was late again by an hour for the event so we had to wait on him. He obviously only cares about himself; he's such a prouche.


(verb, transitive or intransitive), e.g. To prouch someone; to prouch against someone

1) to resist, 2) to demonstrate stubbornness, 3) to engage in physical self-defense by fighting, biting and scratching 4) to act unwilling to do something that is imposed, 5) to act against someone's will
1. Koala bears prouched energetically when two teenagers tried to yoink them from the San Fransisco Zoo 11 years ago.

2. I don't understand why someone would prouch love.

3. Once captured, he started prouching and forced Samantha's hand off his hair.


a combination of the word douche and prick
"goddamnit jerry why do you have to be such a prouche?"


When a chick squats over dick
Prouching is my favorite sex position.


The act of prowling and crouching at the same time. Prowling with frequent stops in a crouched position.
"Cosmo the cougar prouched as he was about to attack Harambe."




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