

俚语 provoked


Referred to as a low life scumbag piece of shit on the internet. Doesn't have a job and thinks making 0.002 doge coin per day is enough money to support his 3 kids and 1 girlfriend. When he could be making upwards of 300-600 dollars per week working.
"Hey where provoked?" "I don't know hes probably wasting his life away mining 0.002 doge coin. What a poor."


To wind-up and annoy someone by calling them names repeatedly, prodding, poking, tickling, etc. until they end up puching or kicking the one doing the provoking.

Usually done by smaller siblings to piss off older siblings.
To provoke:

Younger sister: ugly ugly ugly fatty fatty fatty *prods brother with stick ten times*

Older brother: Piss off you stupid girl and stop annoying me! *punches lil sister*

Sister: MUM! He punched me!!!!

Mum: well stop provoking him then *slaps daughter*


To stir up, arouse, or call forth (feelings, desires, or activity): The mishap provoked a hearty laugh. to incite or stimulate (a person, animal, etc.) to action.
Why are you provoking?


To suck a penis. Common slang.
"Go provoke someone you slut"


1. Art that provokes thoughts, sensations and feelings.

2. Things that bring the internal fire of creation flowing out into the world through artistic expression.
1. That painting gives me chills, what an art-provoking piece!

2. That tree is so art-provoking; I can't wait to get home and draw tonight.

Provoked Woman Wrath

The conversation and/or actions following certain types of provocation in certain instances of woman. These actions seem wrath-ful, incensed, and condemnatory in nature.

In practice, differentiating between the normal conversation, frustration, anger, and Provoked Woman Wrath conversational stages can sometimes be difficult for the observer. However, there are some common signs. Saying things that shouldn't be said, for absolutely no reason, just to piss one off; is one of these signs.

Provoked Woman Wrath and PMS are not to be confused. They may, and often will; coincide, however there is no actual physical relation between the two. It should be noted that associating the current conversation with PMS is a good way to invoke Provoked Woman Wrath.
Woman: "For the eighth time, can you PLEASE take the trash out?"

Man: *in a minute, hun*

-minutes pass-

Woman: *empties trash on husband*,
and it is a big deal, and it doesn't happen to every guy!

Observer: That was some Provoked Woman Wrath right there.

Dirty Thought-Provoking

A statement that does not stimulate thought or interest, but simply stimulates
Bill: Do you think God is a woman, and if so, does she have great tits?
George: Wow Bill, that is a really dirty thought-provoking question.




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