

俚语 prox


the term used for a Princeton University student ID
Hey, can you prox me into McCosh Hall?
I think I left my prox in my room.


Smoking band from Vancouver Canada
WOW, did you check out the PROX show? PROX ROX. You have been PROXED.

Doing a prox

A person who always sleeping on a 3 am mark
Pokeon: you okay dude?, you seems like you didn't sle-
Vonpier: 'sigh' I'm doing a prox for the past a week now
Pokeon: oh...I'm sorry


When a person throwing a party asks a friend to create the e-vite or facebook event for them.
1: Hey, my birthday is next week and I'm throwing a party, but I don't want it to sound like I'm throwing a party for myself, can you make a prox-e-vite for me?
2: But you are throwing a party for yourself.
1: Go f*** yourself

chantson prox

Chantson prox is a very athletic and smart person who has very good manners to his elderly people and he always knows how to make people laugh or smile
He is a chantson prox


used to create id on internet for primary goal of watching porn
amansoni+prox, himanshuchandarwal+prox


Pokimane and others streamers kinda allowed this concept where Among Us players to speak to each others in a game, even if there's an impostor
Me: y'all gotta mute y'all's mics
Friend: Don't worry it's prox




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:02:18