Short for "Pucca Shell Wearing Douche-Bag"
This acronym is used to describe the typical douche-bag. You know who I'm talking about. The guy who walks into a club with an upside down visor, a designer polo and some sort of shell necklace. The type of douche who goes on stage with 3 other of his drunk P.S.W.D.B friends and they sing some Adam Sandler song.
This acronym is used to describe the typical douche-bag. You know who I'm talking about. The guy who walks into a club with an upside down visor, a designer polo and some sort of shell necklace. The type of douche who goes on stage with 3 other of his drunk P.S.W.D.B friends and they sing some Adam Sandler song.
Look at that guy on the stage bro, what a P.S.W.D.B.
Hey buddy...take that visor off you look like a P.S.W.D.B.
Hey buddy...take that visor off you look like a P.S.W.D.B.