It’s a peace of mind vacation, not where you are, that matters. It’s a state of inner calmness and tranquility, together with a sense of freedom, when thoughts and worries cease, and there is no stress, strain or fear. Totally disengaged from cell phones, emails, not going away but going inside.
At restaurants, your backyard, beaches, strolling your neighborhood — it’s what’s in your mind’s eye that can be a real vacation; a “psy-cation.”
At restaurants, your backyard, beaches, strolling your neighborhood — it’s what’s in your mind’s eye that can be a real vacation; a “psy-cation.”
Rebecca: Hey Kayla, where are you going on vacation?
Kayla: Vacation? Who can afford a vacation these days? Besides, I always need a vacation after I take a vacation!
Rebecca: Let's take a "psy-cation"'s real peace of mind and we don't have to bother packing, fighting lines at airports, or spending a fortune on travel.
Kayla: Vacation? Who can afford a vacation these days? Besides, I always need a vacation after I take a vacation!
Rebecca: Let's take a "psy-cation"'s real peace of mind and we don't have to bother packing, fighting lines at airports, or spending a fortune on travel.