

俚语 psylodemia


Unofficial medical term for someone who is in a very bad place mentally. Someone who feels like they’re living in purgatory. Someone who just doesn't feel right being where they are but has no motivation to get out of it.

Similar to depression but more complex in that it has a definite cause, but no cure. Antidepressants can’t fix this, it’s a semi-permanent state of mind.
Wish there was a cure for Psylodemia. None of these antidepressants are helping, nothing ever will.


(sī'lō'dēm'ē'ə) Noun

1. A word used to describe the following feelings: being lonely in a crowded room, trapped in your own head, ultimately stuck in a depressive state. The key difference between depression and Psylodemia is that depression can be solely chemical based and treatable, whereas Psylodemia is based off of something that has physically occured. There may even be an easy way to escape this feeling, but someone with Psylodemia has come so accustomed to the feeling that escaping it would be pointless. It cannot be fixed with medication.

(Psylodemiac - a person with Psylodemia.)
Bro idk what to do. I've just been stuck in this state of Psylodemia for so long. Idek if I want to leave tbh; if I had someone to relate to maybe it wouldn't be so bad.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:46:06