

俚语 ptt


An acronym that stands for "Push To Talk." It refers to a particular mode of cell phone usage wherein one holds the device in front of one's face, yelling at it and listening to its tinny speaker which continuously squawks an annoying chirping noise. A way for white trash and other lower orders to amuse themselves by pretending they're talking on radios just like policemen.
If you're using PTT on your cell phone, you're a waste of skin and should just kill yourself right now.


PTT is phrase also known as "Push To Talk". This is generally used two way radios.
Hey, PTT me.


A Bulletin Board System site from Taiwan, and its full name is 'Professional Technology Temple'. (Telnet://ptt.cc)
PTT is the biggest bbs site in Taiwan.


Pull the trigger, usually accopanied by a gun emoji it can either mean ptt, to kill yourself or someone else
OMFG Esther I'm sick of your bullshit PTT


"Permission to Touch"

To give consent to being touched


Asking someone you may or may not know well if they're okay with being touched

Byron: "Hey bro, you look like you could use a hug, PTT?"

Marco: "Yeah, thanks bro."
*Byron hugs his sad bro*

*at a party*
Marco: "Hey chica, you got a nice bod. PTT?"
Chica: "And who tf are you?"
*Marco does not out his hands on chica*

*at a convention cuddle puddle*
Furry Dog: "You've been really sweet, PTT?"
Furry Cat: meows "yeah"
*Dog pets Cat*

Marco: "Shit with Chica was going well but I got my PTT privs revoked."
Byron: "Dude how?"
Marco: "She saw me pet a cat."

Chica: "I'm so upset I could punch you."

Marco: "You've got my PTT."
*Chica decks Marco*


Proper Texting Time
When a dude wants to smang he better not just hit you up at 11....dam a girl needs some prep time! Proper texting time is between 5-9 pm. If he doesnt follow PTT his dick aint gettin wet!!


The acronym for "Penis Tip Touch." Can be done in a sexual or a nonsexual manner. Commonly done after engaging in a sword fight with a fellow d00d.
Monty, sheathed in his lethargy, was only in the mood for a PTT with his long time colleague and classmate, Hippie Nick.




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