

俚语 pubertie


That moment when you put down all your Pokemon cards and realise there's titties out there
KEVIN: Did you hear? Ben just hit puberty.!

ALEX: Finally, I have been waiting for his Pokemon collection for years.


Acne, mood swings, obsessive sexual desires, wet dreams, menstruation, breasts, hair everywhere, penis enlargement. Basically the hell I'm going through before I can become an adult.
Fuck puberty


That time in a parent's life where they start to notice that their water bill starts to increase as their big load of joy of a teenager starts aging.

They refuse to believe that's the reason why but it's true, puberty can get expensive.

(if you're still unsure of why this is happening,it's because your son/daughter masturbates frequently in the shower)
Mother: God donut rick! Our water bill is twice as much as it was last month! Is this a mistake?!

Father: Hunny... it's puberty.


The worst years of your life
Man I went through puberty and I almost killed myself


Gods way of testing young people between 12-18 to see if theyre worthy of adulthood, very few are chosen.
Young men who have not made the puberty transition may become vile and hostile a few run out on the streets stark naked doing backflips all while filming themsleves and getting a show on MTV.


What you go through when your aged between 10-18.
Girls grow tits, start their periods and grow pubic hair.
Boys grow pubes and facial hair, their dicks get bigger and they get sperm.
I hate puberty.


Something Justin Bieber hasn't experienced yet
Youve hit puberty but not Justin Bieber???????




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:46:58