pub rules
Don't discuss politics or religion.
Abide by the pub rules or sling yer hook!
pub rules
rules in a pub. duh.
Really?!?!?!?! I'm not sure how to explain this "pub rules" concept any further...
7 Ball Loss (pub/taven pool rule)
Should one player, play out an entire game and not pocket a single one of their own balls (excluding the white and/or eight ball) is concindered to have lost by seven balls. Thus resulting in that competitor having to drop their pants and make his way around the pub minus their own shorts.
7 Ball Loss (pub/taven pool rule)
If (1st player) doesnt sink a single one of their own ball and (2nd player) pots all their balls (including eight ball so long thus ball hasnt been sunk already)
(1st player) must make his way around pub and or taven without their pants
If (1st player) doesnt sink a single one of their own ball and (2nd player) pots all their balls (including eight ball so long thus ball hasnt been sunk already)
(1st player) must make his way around pub and or taven without their pants
Pub Rules
When you agree to meet someone or take a trip with them while drinking you have 24 hours to reneg.
Remember how I said I’d go to India with you last night? Pub rules!