

俚语 puft


A girly man. Someone who is suspected of homosexuality. A puft may be someone who is not yet out of the closet or not even really gay. Often pufts have girlfriends. These pufts profess love and subserviance to their female master. They are fans of sweater vests and poetry and can often be intellectual snobs.
That billy with his polo shirt and shkespeare obsession is such a puft.

Stay Pufts

Huge squashy floppy marshmallow boobies
I love sleeping on your stay pufts

Stay Puft

Verb. meaning to Walk Tall and Smile Big much like the Ghostbuster's Stay Puft Marshmallow man! A way of encouraging others to be positive about a bad situation.
Dude! I know your girl left you, but you have to stay puft, and move on!

Stay Puft Meltdown

The act of filling a woman's vagina with marshmallows. Then proceeding to fuck her until they get all melted and gooey, pulling it out and having her suck and/or lick it clean. This is similar to the melted Stay Puft marshmallow man at the end of Ghostbusters, just imagine the dick as the proton gun.
Dude Uno: I did the most awesome thing last night with my girlfriend!
Dude Two: Whats that?
Dude Uno: I gave her the Stay Puft Meltdown!


ur such a puft




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:40:16