

俚语 pull a hannah

Pull a Hannah

When one has to look up every term or abbreviation on UrbanDictonary because you’re not fluent in the current lingo.
She had no idea what Joe meant - totally had to pull a Hannah.

Pull a Hannah

To meet a band or a member of a band at a concert, but not recognize them as someone famous until afterwards.
Named for someone who has done this multiple times.
"I'm really excited for the concert tomorrow, but I'm really scared I'll see the guys from Zebrahead but that I'll pull a Hannah."

Pulling a Hannah

1) when you manage to disrupt an entire dinning hall by throwing bannas, salt, ice, and cups at people
2) when you make a girl cry by crushing her ice cream cone onto a plate
3) when you squeal strangly at cute panda bears
Shannon: So guess what Lexi did today?
Jenny: Oh...she was pulling a Hannah wasn't she?
Shannon: Yea, she threw bananas because i didn't reply to her texts
Jenny: Of course, always pulling a Hannah.

Pulling a Hannah

Falling in love with a boy that you haven't met.
Emily: I think I might be pulling a Hannah
Lola: Oh god, who is the guy you love who you have not met?

Pulling a Hannah

The worst thing you can do to your ex-boyfriend. You break up with him, and then start dating another guy soon after. Optional: keep it a secret from your ex-boyfriend
Mark: Did you hear? Daniella just started dating Johnson
David: OMG! We only broke up like two weeks ago.
Jose: She be Pulling a Hannah. What a hoe.

pulled a hannah

Hurting yourself whilst doing something routine, simple and supposedly harmless
Me "What happened to your head ?"
You " I pulled a Hannah and tripped over while putting on my jeans and knocked a picture off the wall and it fell on the floor. When I bent over to pick it up , I hit my head on the end of the bed"

pull a hannah baker

A way of telling someone to kill themselves. Origin is a Netflix show (13 reasons why) where a teenage girl committed suicide by slitting her wrists in a bathtub
Person A: Why don't you go pull a Hannah baker
Person B: Shut up, I'm not going to kill myself




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:31:33