

俚语 pull a mark

Pull a Mark

When you say you are going to do something, but back out at the very last minute.
He will probably pull a Mark and call us in an hour saying he has to watch a movie with his mom.

Pull the Mark

The act of shattering your pelvis with an electric jack cause you're a fucking idiot. Another definition for this is, the act of shattering your penis and its internals due to missing the vagina cause you're a fucking idiot.
Mr Patrone found Mark with a shattered pelvis. Hence Pull the Mark.
Yeah bro I fucking went to the hospital cause I accidentally pulled the Mark with my girl last night.

to pull a mark

to say the dumbest thing possible at the worst possible time and then completely deny that you said it
(while dark outside)
Mark: what time is it?
Person: 3:00
Mark: in the morning?
Person: Are u dumb or just plain gay
Mark: (looks outside) SHU-UP!

Pulling a Mark

1.) Lying about everything, just because it doesn't matter.
"That's not true, your dumbass, stop pulling a mark, you know you're lying."

pull a mark

when someone does such an act that causes people to get really upset and annoyed at them
"ready to go to Ruby Tuesdays?"
"Nah, I'm feeling real tired tonight"
"c'mon don't pull a mark"

pulled a mark

When someone has pulled a mark, they have screwed up by making a small error that is usually obvious in hindsight/review, and the error drastically affects the result in a negative way. Pulling a mark is common when advanced math is involved.
I pulled a mark yesterday on my math quiz when I forgot to add a negative sign at the beginning.

Pulling a mark

Step 1:Getting a girlfriend

Step 2: show up to group hangout and spend the entire hangout making out and or fingering your girlfriend

Step 3: don’t come to any hangout unless your girlfriend is there to finger

Step 4: anytime anyone calls you out on it say “bro you haven’t even been in a high school relationship yet”
Grier is making out with his gf and intensionally bumps into you twice so you have to see it happening

Brock: Grier stop pulling a mark




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