

俚语 pull an andrew

Pull an Andrew

To injure someone by punching them in the face for no apparent reason, Then making up a story to try and justify what you did
Guy1: wow, i was just sitting there and dave ran up to me and punched me in the face then told everyone i was pissing off his girlfriend

Guy2: haha, he wanted to pull an Andrew i guess

Pulling an Andrew

When a person gets friendzoned multiple times.
Man 1: so I really think I could be with her, I mean we have been friends sense 3rd grade.

Man 2: Alright man, I hope it works out for you.

One week later:

Man 2: So how did it go with that girl?
Man 1: She friend zoned me, again.

Man 2: Damn, you love Pulling an Andrew don’t you.

Man 1 has pulled an Andrew.

Pulling an Andrew

Use when a member of the squad (typically Andrew) dips from a lit squad sesh without saying bye or informing the other squad members that he/she is dipping. Doing such an action will cause severe unlitness upon the squad and is known as a snake move.
Pulling an Andrew:
*Playing Xbox*
Adam: "Yo where's Adam I haven't heard him talking for a while"
Kevin: "Yo Adam"
Adam: *Silence*
*Adam has left the Xbox party*

pulling an Andrew

being a big stupid poopy pants who can't manage to secure the xbox one series x no matter how hard he tries. Pulling an Andrew can also mean being a huge simp but not willing to admit it.
Aw mate I just love my girlfriend she is class!

Fucking hell stop pulling an Andrew bro, get some balls

to pull an andrew

To talk back to coach grennes during a j.v. practice.
Are you playing grabfanny? That's piss poor defense! No smoking and joking!

Pulling an Andrew

Managing to screw up a sure thing with a girl, against all odds.
"Me and my friends are having a contest to see who can make out with a guy first tonight..."
"Oh that sounds like fun, well I'll see you in class tomorrow. Good luck."

"We should go check out a private study carrel at the library and prepare for our anatomy exam..."
"They probably won't let me reserve one until I return my overdue book. Plus I already studied a lot yesterday."

"Hey man, how did it go with that girl last night?"
"I ended up pulling an Andrew..."
"Again? That was a sure thing!"

Pulling An Andrew

The act of either trading everything you have for things you believe are better, or never finishing the creation of a Geometry Dash level. They also tend to believe Tracer is the best Overwatch character, even though they've probably never played it.
Joe: I'm gonna buy you guys packs!
Cam: Yes! Finally I can open more Gr!
Andrew: I'm gonna trade them away for Zoroark GXs!
Joey: Not again Andrew, don't start Pulling an Andrew like always!
Andrew: Heck you, It's better than opening them!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:06:31