

俚语 pull a nixon

pull a nixon

To deny, deny, deny.
I think your gal heard me tell Billy about yo college "episodes". You have to pull a nixon to save your self!

pull a nixon

to resign immediately after a large scandal comes to light
One: So, elliot spitzer hired whores?
Two: Yeah, then 2 days later he pulled a nixon and left the state.
One: Pussy

(Pull a nixon)

Pulled a Nixon

When one is said to 'pull a Nixon', it means that s/he was in a position of power, until screwing up really bad. Facing the consequence of firing/impeachment/whatever, this person resigns to avoid this punishment, as Nixon did.
"I literally screwed the pooch and my boss was about to find out, so I pulled a Nixon".

pulling a nixon

When introduced for a speech for which you are unprepared, you extend both arms and hands, fingers making the peace sign. A plan can be formed during the resulting applause. Former US president Nixon's famous gesture.
Jerry decided that pulling a Nixon when he was given that award at the benefit would be useful. He figured out his whole speech during the applause.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:12:19