

俚语 pull a richard

Pulling a Richard

One who comes into a home and purposely takes a crap before leaving; often accompanied with mooching.
"Doug finally forced me to invite him over to play Guitar Hero, and he totally pulled a Richard in the hallway bathroom! I can't go in there anymore!"

"Really? Wow, what an ass. Pulling a Richard is suck a dick move."

Pulled a Richard

When one has extreme amounts of luck in a video game
Damian: Bro, how did he kill me??
Brian: He pulled a Richard on you

Pulling a Richard

When a man forces himself onto a woman, or other man.

The act of being a douche bag.
Wow Jim, why are you Pulling a Richard right now? She totally doesn't want it.

Pulled a Richard

When one has extreme amounts of luck.
Bob: How’d he just catch that ball?
Sam: Bro, he just pulled a Richard on you.

Pulling a Richard

Being a sly sneaky SOB!
Being a POS manager
Not knowing how to manage people

Sends you a f'ed up email with god and the world in the the CC line

Man you're pulling a Richard

pull a richard

1. Backstabbing a friend to get with their girlfriend.

2. Not allowing their girlfriend to go out with friends, talk to certain people, or be anywhere outside of a 1 foot radius of him.

3. Making their girlfriend feel bad about things when he should feel bad about her friends disliking him.
So john is dating my ex now.

Damn, did he pull a richard?

Yeah, he pulled a richard.

Pull a Richard

To "pull a Richard" is the phrase used when one is dumped by his/her significant other and in turn becomes homosexual.
Jon: "Hey, Will, did you hear? Carter pulled a Richard!"
Will: "Really? I would never expect him of all people."

In this scenario Carter was dumped and went to pull a Richard.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 2:49:42