

俚语 pull a ryan

Pull a Ryan

Going to a restaurant with friends or co-workers but not ordering anything. Usually preceeded by devouring a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich prior to partaking in the restaurant expedition.
A group of co-workers go to a sit down restaurant, the server gets to someone and says, "What can I get you".

Ryanesque Customer, "Ohh I'm not getting anything, I just had a delish PB&J, thanks."

Ryanesque Customer's Co-worker, "Come on man. That's embarrasing! Dont pull a Ryan!"

pulling a ryan

when a nigga dip for months and then pop back up like everything is cool
Guy A: where did johnny go
Guy B: he pulling a ryan

Pulling a Ryan

Fucking something up beyond all comprehension.
There is a 100% chance Trump will end up pulling a Ryan.

Pulling a ryan

Participitating in an act of homosexually, commonly used in Sydney, North Shore area
Walter: Hey did you see Aman last night

Tristan: Nah he was pulling a Ryan

Pulling a Ryan Jones

The act of joining a Facebook conversation and then just leaving for no reason
Angel : hello
Ryan : hello
Angel : how are you
Angel : Ryan are you there?
Angel : Stop pulling a Ryan Jones

pulling a ryan dunn

the act of getting completely shitfaced and then getting in your car, crashing it; car exploding, and you dying.
friend: dude, you're wasted. give me your keys. you don't want to end this night by pulling a ryan dunn, do you?

Pull a Paul Ryan

To fart in an enclosed public space and then leave it abruptly.
Never ride the elevator with Jeremy or Felix; they usually pull a Paul Ryan right before getting off.




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