

俚语 pulled a takei

Pulled a Takei

When someone takes down an online poll in response to getting the opposite result they wanted.
Did you see that person quickly taking down their online poll cause it didn't sway their way? Yeah, they must have Pulled a Takei.

HAHA that Celeb totally didn't like their results, They blamed it on trolls.

Pulled a Takei

The act of "more than gently" grabbing someone's private parts. A pulling motion designed to persuade for sex but not to show power, so it's harmless. From George Takei's take on himself not sexually assaulting people by grabbing them. Revealed during Howard Stern's radio show.
"That guy pulled a Takei on me. Almost tore my balls off!"

to pull a takei

Pullig or doing a Takei refers to people who run a poll on a social media platform, when the poll doesn't seem to have the desired outcome they delete said poll, just as George Takei did before them.
XYZ ran this poll on Twitter and when it wasn't going the way he wanted he decided to pull a Takei and deleted it.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 0:33:41