

俚语 pulling a brandon

Pulling a Brandon

When a certain individual (usually male) wears a specific piece of clothing for a consecutive amount of days without going through the act of washing it.
Hey John! That is like the third day you wore those Adidas joggers in a row! Quit Pulling a Brandon!

Pulling a Brandon

When a person in a friend group (typically in online gaming) specifies an ETA for coming back or logging on, but end up appearing out of nowhere hours past the ETA.
He said he'd be on in an hour, but is he pulling a Brandon?

Pulling a Brandon

To get a Thundergun, Ray Gun, packa-punched and Monkey bombs in a Game of Black Ops: Zombies.
Pulling a Brandon - To get a Thundergun, Ray Gun, packa-punched and Monkey bombs in a Game of Black Ops: Zombies.

Pulling a Brandon

1) To get with and break up with your partner multiple times, usually to an extend which no one then cares.

2) To poop on someones windshield
1) "omg they are so annoying. i mean honestly they're just pulling a brandon"

"I KNOW!!"

2) "that sick bastard pulled a brandon all over her windshield"


Pulling a Brandon

When a person who partakes in playing video games but makes levels or challenges seem much harder than it should be due to the person's lack of skill.
Person 1: "Dude, this level is so hard can you do it for me?"

Person 2: "This is the first level stop pulling a brandon"

Pulling a Brandon

When a certain individual (usually male) gets hyped about something, makes false promises, and says he'll go through with it, but in the end does nothing at all.
Brandon wanted to make a youtube channel and said he had all of the ideas. He never told his friends any and claimed the channel was going nowhere. He was Pulling a Brandon while being Brandon.

Pulling a Brandon

Being a petty ass, overly sensitive whiny bitch who can't take a joke.
This guy was totally pulling a Brandon at a party because someone made a joke about his mom.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:49:56